The Terrell Hills City Council is comprised of an elected Mayor and four council members,
all of whom are chosen at large. Terms are for a period of two years with the
Mayor and Council Places One and Two being elected in even years.
Places Three and Four are elected odd years.
City Council Contacts
Mayor - John Low
Place 1 - Bill Mitchell
Place 2 - Kate Lanfear
Place 3 - Emmy Rogers Ballantyne
Place 4 - Peter Mako, Mayor Pro Tem
Council Meetings
The Terrell Hills City Council meets on the second Monday of the month and start promptly at 4:00 pm. Regular meetings are open to the public.
Meeting Times can differ, Refer to the specific Agenda for the meeting you are wishing to attend to confirm the meeting time.
Occasionally the need arises for the City Council to hold a special meeting, or meet in a closed session. These meetings are not open to the public, but any official action will only be taken in open sessions.
Terrell Hills Mission
As members of the Council, we hold the honor of promoting the character of Terrell Hills and protecting the quality of life for it’s citizens. We wish to share with you our plan and strategy to accomplish this task.