City of Terrell Hills
Watering with a sprinkler, irrigation system or soaker hose is allowed only once a week between 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on your designated day. Your day is determined by the last number in your address.
0 or 1 – Monday
2 or 3 – Tuesday
4 or 5 – Wednesday
6 or 7 – Thursday
8 or 9 – Friday
Learn More
The Terrell Hills Police Department encourages all residents to lock their vehicles.
The vast majority of local vehicle burglaries involve unlocked vehicles. Basically, the path of least resistance. If criminals intend to steal a vehicle or spot something inside that they really want then breaking a window or punching a lock is probable. Recently, most vehicle burglaries seem to be a “fishing” expedition with small items taken. We emphasize not leaving valuables in a vehicle and especially not visible from the outside.
If you see anything that appears suspicious please don’t hesitate to call 911 or the THPD Patrol phone (210) 315-8897.
Terrell Hills Building Department Update
As of March 21st 2022 we will be using a new permitting system.
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